ghibli park entrance gate[Ghibli Park Phase II Opening] Entrance to Valley of Witches Almost Complete? Photographed from the outsideGhibli Park Tower mid 2023Ghibli's GrandWarehouse1Ghibli's GrandWarehouse2Linimo Train & Railway Station in front of Ghibli Park
                       Source of Images : Studio Ghibli *under permission

Partial delay in opening of Ghibli Park “Valley of the Witches” to March 2024.

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The project is inspired by European-style spaces in movies such as “The Witch’s Delivery Service” and “Howl’s Moving Castle,” because it takes time to naturally dry the lumber used to make the buildings.

According to Aichi Prefecture, the buildings to be constructed in the area will adopt, as much as possible, lumber and construction methods used in the countries and regions where the movies are set.

Since hardwoods used in European wooden construction are rarely available in the domestic market, they are being cut down and dried from mountain forests.

Is this an effect of the invasion of Ukraine?

At the time of the original plan, there was a prospect of obtaining hardwood lumber, but there is no prospect of obtaining it in the future.

Ahhh…I guess this is the effect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope they give up soon. (T_T)


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